Empower your teams with The Teamer
A powerful projects and workforce management application.
Give your (remote) workforce the flexibility they need while keeping track of your profitability metrics.

Payroll reports
Easy clock-in/clock-out, from office or remote. Centralized requests approval and holidays/sick days management.

Optimize your process of task management and assignments to improve your workforce productivity, using data driven decision making.

Get the big picture of performance and analytics to bring the most out of your human resources. Track projects progress at a glance.

Project management
Enhance communication and collaboration between team members and save precious time. Create transparency in the workplace.

Start a 15 Days Risk-Free Trial
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Desktop and Mobile version
Easy clock-in/clock-out, from office or remote. Centralized time-off requests approval and management
Get the big picture of performance and analytics. Track projects progress at a glance.
Optimize your process of task identifications and assignments to improve your workforce productivity, using data driven decision making
Manager View
Manage your teams assignments
On-boarding process made easy
Payroll attendance reports
Follow your teams progress
Keep track & plan optimal human ressources tasks assignment
Employee View
Keep track of your time and attendance
Project assignments management
Easy and effective team communication
Follow your team progress and achievements
Mood tracking and social updates

Empower your (remote) team
Don’t waste your time with vanity metrics. Focus instead on actionable metrics that drive growth and strengthen your competitive advantage.
Empower your (remote) team
Don’t waste your time with vanity metrics. Focus instead on actionable metrics that drive growth and strengthen your competitive advantage.
Connecting and managing your teams
The Teamer makes it easy to manage your teams, keeps everyone connected and support your business growth. Answer human ressources department needs, optimize team/project assignment and improve collaboration and communication among team members: all in one platform focusing on user experience!

We’re here to help, contact us!
Phone Number
FAQ The Teamer
Time tracking is done in real time?
Yes but not only. Employees can enter working times in real time by pressing the Clock-in/out button. They can also edit their monthly timesheet to add or even delete an entry. A special icon will let the Manager know if the entry has been added in real time or if a change has been made.
Aren't my employees likely to feel tracked?
The Teamer is a 100% declarative tool based on values of trust between teams and management. It does not include any tracking functionality. The functions that allow you to know in real time where your colleagues are working and their current activity or project is based on trust and transparency. This is how managers, project teams and employees can ensure their work/life balance is respected. It's important to let your employees know that it doesn't contain any features to control their laptop activity or even their location.
Can I export activity reports?
Absolutely, monthly activity reports per employee or activity can be downloaded in Excel format and thus be transfered to payroll and sales administration services. They will allow you to have a detailed view of the working times, time-off and time spent across projects.
How do employees access the app?
Employees can track their working time anywhere via an internet browser, on smartphone with our mobile version or on PC. Your sales forces can easily keep track of appointments duration, your technicians can mesure their response time in one click, your employees have no excuse to not tracking time spend on each project. With this data you can drive your business even more efficiently, optimize resources allocation and control your billing process.
Does Theteamer offer several hierarchical levels of management?
That's right! For SMBs with centralized management, one user with HR Manager rights, will set up the app and track all activities. If your company has several departments, managers will only be able to monitor the activity of their own team and projects and will be responsible for approving time-off of their team's employees.
Is it easy to set up different work schedules
In a few minutes you will be able to set up the different working schedule in your company. Full-time, part-time, holidays options and more... The Teamer offers significant flexibility while ensuring a smooth user experience. You can definetely do it yourself, but we are never far away if you need help.
Data privacy and authentication
Is user data safe and secure?
Of course, all your data is stored on the servers of our partner Mendix (a Siemens company) whose platform meets the highest security standards including ISO/IEC 27001 and HIPAA required by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health protecting the confidentiality and security of certain medical information. Learn more: https://www.mendix.com/evaluation-guide/enterprise-capabilities/security/
Does The Teamer access my data?
Unless you give us access to manage the data, The Teamer team can only access usernames management to ensure technical maintenance and track licenses usage. Under no circumstances we have access to your data.
Can we provide effective authentication for employees?
Your employees receive a personal login and password by email.
Depending on your needs we can provide stronger authentication such as, an SSO system from desktop only or provide QR codes to be scanned from the physical office.
Can I transfer a user license from one user to another?
Yes. For more transparency you will see the count of active licenses used and the number of licenses bought for your organization. So, when an employee is leaving the company, we simply deactivate his account without losing the remaining license rights. However, no license refund is possible during the commitment period.
I'm only looking for time tracking app. Can I still use The Teamer?
For our clients who are looking for a working time reporting tool regardless of activity tracking, we recommend subscribing to our basic plan.

Empower your teams
Automate your HR paperwork and optimize your time and workforce management thanks to data driven decision making. All in one place.